
Bookcase 0.9 Released

I’ve made version 0.9 of Bookcase available, code-named “Chasing Frogs“. There are a few fixes since version 0.9-pre1. The Pilot-DB export is more robust. The HTML export now uses filenames based on the entry titles rather than bookcase-entry-*. The Italian and Finnish translations were updated, thanks for FaUsT and Teuvo.

Improvements since version 0.8.5 include:

  • sorting by entry count in the Group View
  • collection merging
  • changing auto-formatting without restart
  • drag-and-drop for images in the editor
  • new Compact and Fancy entry templates
  • piping bibtex citations through lyxpipe
  • changing existing field types
  • printing image fields
  • exporting individual entries to HTML with images
  • filtering by group
  • more documentation

I plan to update the documentation, along with the bug fixes through the 0.9.x series, then release a version 1.0.