The Man From
Snowy River

Every now and then, I get email requests about finding movie posters, or other related paraphernalia to Snowy River, Tom Burlinson, Sigrid Thornton, or whatever. So, I figured it might be easy to keep all the info I find or receive from others all together. In the interest of proper disclosure, I'll add that for some of these links, I use what are typically called Associate Programs and so occasionally receive referral paybacks. :)


The Man From Snowy River has just been released on DVD. Buy it at Amazon. Amazon also offers The Man From Snowy River and Return to Snowy River on VHS.

The MovieGoods website has 35mm movie trailers for both The Man From Snowy River and Return to Snowy River.


The movie soundtracks are also on the Amazon website, The Man From Snowy River soundtrack and Return to Snowy River soundtrack.


Being one of the best-known online book retailers, has available the book of poetry containing the poem, "The Man From Snowy River", The Man From Snowy River and Other Verses by Banjo Paterson in hardcover or paperback.

Other Stuff

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Last time I checked, MovieGoods also had copies of the movie poster for both The Man From Snowy River and Return to Snowy River.

[poster]I ran across a poster with a photograph by Ken Duncan on the website that shows the Snowy River Country.

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Last modified by Robby Stephenson on 15 August 2017.
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